Friday, January 21, 2011

Dear L.A :)

Dear L.A,        
            I dream about you almost everyday. The thought that me and you might finally meet this year blows me away. I can't wait to finally call you my permanent home. If things go as planned we'll meet in late August but if not I'll get there soon enough. I never wanted to be somewhere so bad in my life. I feel like this is where I belong and this is where I should start a new chapter of my life. I also feel like this city and USC has so much to offer me. I plan on finishing school here, starting my career, finding love, and building a family ♥. I pray that I'll have many great memories in L.A and that it's everything I expected it to be and so much more. I hope you're ready for me L.A because I'm ready for you and I'm coming for ya. Ooops I almost forgot Beverly Hills I'm definitely coming for you I'm gonna shop til I drop on Rodeo Dr ;) New Coast. New City. New State. New People. New Memories :)


Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Am...

I Am...Perfectly Imperfect ♥.
I have yet to reach my full potential but I'm working on it. Sometimes I can be moody like the wind & I must say I have an attitude on me.
Sometimes I can be hard to deal with and I can be kind of bossy I guess you can say that's the Leo in me. 
I am extrememly passionate about life and I plan on accomplishing each and every one of my goals.
I'm a loving, kind, and very caring person, sometimes I tend to care a little too much.
Sometimes I can be really mean and just snap out of no where lol and other times I can be an emotional wreck and sometimes I'm just outta control.
Sometimes I can come off as being rather harsh
but trust me my intentions are good. 
I'd rather be hated for what i am, than loved for something I'm not. 
I'm human so I'm bound to make mistakes
no ones perfect & I don't try to be.
Everyday is a challenge, some days I feel like
I'm sittin on top of the world and some days I feel like
the weight of the world is on my shoulders but that's
just life and no matter how hard it gets
I'll NEVER throw in the towel.
I was born to be a LEADER & I believe I have a great purpose here on this earth that I have yet to find but when I find it trust me the world will know. Each day I learn to love myself more and more ♥ and to accept the things that I can't change & change the things that I can. 
Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me but trust me you won't fool me again. I believe loyalty is everything. I know where my loyalities lie
and if you don't then we don't have any business being friends. I'm not the type of person to seek revenge and I don't hold grudges I'm better than that. 
You wanna be petty & argue you got the wrong person because I'm not the one & I don't have the time to play highschool sorry. 
I'm a forgiving person but if you cross me too many times I'M DONE. 
Negative people make my skin crawl and people that always complain irk my soul like please spare me & keep that crap to yourself. 
 I know my worth & I respect myself. I would NEVER lower or degrade myself to meet someone elses standards. If you can't accept me at my worse then you damn sure don't deserve me at my best. At the end of the day I can only be ME and if that's not good enough then
feel free to check out like all the others who claimed they were going to be here forever. Life goes on and trust me I'll live with or without you.
Over the years people have labeled me as a lot of things but their opinion doesn't matter and if I wasted my life worryin about what other people thought of me I would be just as miserable as they are.
and NO ONE can change or define
who I am but ME ;)
Signing Off

Sunday, January 2, 2011


HELLO 2011 :) ♥

New Memories, New Challenges, New Laughs, New Tears, New Joy, New Pain, New Love, New Opportunities, New Year....

I have a feeling this year is gonna be a good one.  I have so much to look forward to this year. Graduating, starting a new school, turning 21, and of course many more great memories & good times to share with the ones who are dear to my heart♥. I'm ready to step out on my own two feet and start my life as an independent woman. I plan on doing a lot of winning this year and I only need to be surrounded by positive people who don't just support but wants to be actively involved in my growing dreams. Negative Vibes???? Ewww Gross people still do that??? As my mom would say "you are the company you keep" so negative people I'm blowing you away. Sorry if we not on the same page I left you back in 2010 with all the other negative people who throw negative vibes as NeNe would say Bloop Bloop Bloop ctfu. Laughing at my past, smiling at my future :) I just know it's gonna be bright. I'm so excited about this year & what it has to offer. 2011 WOOT WOOT LET'S GO BAYBEE. I'M READY...!!!! Let the good times roll :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Broken Child

I try so hard to forget but every so often it crosses my mind.  Why couldn't you be there for me like u were for my other siblings? How could you just up and leave and not care? I try so hard to act like I don't care but I do and it hurts. Sometimes I wish you never came back into my life, maybe that would make things easier and I wouldn't care so much. I'm 20 and now u want to be that "father figure" but I feel like it's too late. I feel like I have nothing to learn from you and you can't tell me nothing that I don't already know or learned from someone else. As a child you caused me a lot of pain. I always wondered where you were at and how come you never showed up when you said you were coming to see me. I cried and cried to my mom because I just couldn't understand why you had to lie and make so many broken promises. My mom played her role but how come you couldn't play yours. These questions still linger in the back of mind just like they did when I was a child. I'll probably never get the truthful answers to these questions and we'll probably never have that father daughter relationship that I always wanted to have with you. For years I blamed myself and thought maybe I wasn't good enough but I've come to realize that it's your lost not mine. When you sit on the phone and down me for wanting to get an education that just pushes me to do better. How could you sit there and tell me my education isn't sh** and common sense is everything, common sense didn't get you too far now did it? I can't thank you for a lot of things but I can Thank you for this...Thank You Dad for showing me how I don't want my future husband or sons to be. Thank You for all the nasty remarks about me wanting to get an education, it only pushes me to do better and reach higher & Thank You for showing me how a man shouldn't treat me. Every night I ask God to relieve my heart of all the anger I have towards you and give me strength to forgive you. I have respect for you because I was brought up to have respect for my elders no matter what they did said or how they treated me. Like my mom & grandma always said "At the end of the day he's still your dad." which is true and I'll show respect but one thing I can say is I'll never love you because I don't know you and truthfully I don't feel like you really know me either. Hopefully one day soon I'll be able to forgive you but I don't think I'll ever forget.

                 Signed, The Daughter Who Didn't Count

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Heart ♥ & Mind Are At War...

My Heart jumps in head first.
My Mind Says "What the hell are you thinking."

My Heart Says "Give him a chance."
My Mind Says  "He's probably just like the rest."

My Heart Says "It's time to love again."
My Mind Says "Go right ahead & get broken."

My Heart Says "What are you so afraid of?"
My Mind Says "You have every reason to be afraid when it comes to love."

My Heart Says "Just go for it."
My Mind Says "U better think twice"

Ugh my heart & mind are at a constant war & I just wish one of dem would hurry up & win....

Dear Future Husband wherever you may be...

Dear Future Husband,
      Sorry for the brick wall that I've put around my heart. It's just really hard to love someone when you've been hurt so many times & lied too. I just want to feel loved, respected, appreciated & honored, is that too much to ask???  For years I put up wit bull crap & lost myself in the process and I promised myself I would never let it happen again. Just when I thought I found love it slips right through my fingers & their true colors are shown. My heart is broken & needs to mend but it just doesn't know where to begin. I know I'm not perfect nobody is so I can't expect you to be but I do want our relationship to be worth it. When I love I love hard & I give it my all. Gifts are nice but I'd rather be showered with your love ♥.

      Dear Future Husband, wherever you may be, I love u and I want to fulfill your every need & I want you to be just as happy as me. I know we'll have our share of ups & downs & we won't agree on everything but that's ok as long as we can look pass those things & agree to disagree. I want you to know that I appreciate you and I'll always be loyal to you & I'll try my best not to hurt you intentionally. I promise to always have your back & to stand by you until death do us part.

     Dear Future Husband, wherever you may be I know when the time is right I'll run Smash Into You♥ & I won't have to second guess myself I'll just know but until then I'll be patiently waiting because I know you'll be worth the wait.

                  I Love You With All My Heart ♥ & Soul
                                                                                            Signed, Your Wife ♥

Goodbye 2010

    2010 oh what a year it has been. This year I learned a lot of things. One important thing that I learned this year is that life goes on and time waits for no one. I thought some people that I've known for years would be in my life forever but things aren't what they always seem to be. People grow apart and things change. You choose different paths in life and as much as it hurts you have to go your separate ways. You can't change people who don't wanna change & you can't help people who don't wanna help themselves. That's just life and as much as you wanna change & help them you just can't but life goes on and you learn to live without them.

   The friendships I've built this year with some people are very dear to my heart ♥. Pal, where would I be without you mane. We have some of the best times together and we got insiders for days (dink dink, DD, can I get a sandwich up in this b**ch) lmao I had to name a few. We are inseparable and blood couldn't make us any closer. You are ALWAYS there when I need you and you always keep it real with me even though it pisses me the hell off sometimes ctfu. We irk each others nerves but 10 minutes later we back at it like nothing never happened and we always put our differences aside. I love you Pal :)

Boopski I never thought the world could handle another me until I met you. We really soulmates as u would say lol. We so much alike dat it's sicken smh.  Our phone convos be hiliarious and we always got some crazy story to tell. You're one of the most loyal people I know & I know I can always come to you with my problems. You're like da lil sister I never had. B4L til the day dat we die Cheaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!!

Some 2010 Memories I'll Never Forget
1. 8/16 My Birthday. No Words.
2. Atlantic City with my pal. I was bout to eff dat Chinese lady up talkin bout come swim in the ocean and splashed water at me. Lady don't play I just got my hair done.
3. Superman ♥
4. The boul that tried to bag me & just didn't get that NO Means NO.
5. The boul that wants that old thing back. Mmmmm Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum Man Down (in my Rihanna voice) ctfu I play.
6. Christmas with my IKM & all the other memories we shared this year.
7. That fight in D&B ctfu hilarious. Dey play 4real.
8. Aja graduating from hair skool.
9. 12/20/2010 Arielle Amor Readding
10. Dorney Park. Oh mane that night is going down in history pal.