Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goodbye 2010

    2010 oh what a year it has been. This year I learned a lot of things. One important thing that I learned this year is that life goes on and time waits for no one. I thought some people that I've known for years would be in my life forever but things aren't what they always seem to be. People grow apart and things change. You choose different paths in life and as much as it hurts you have to go your separate ways. You can't change people who don't wanna change & you can't help people who don't wanna help themselves. That's just life and as much as you wanna change & help them you just can't but life goes on and you learn to live without them.

   The friendships I've built this year with some people are very dear to my heart ♥. Pal, where would I be without you mane. We have some of the best times together and we got insiders for days (dink dink, DD, can I get a sandwich up in this b**ch) lmao I had to name a few. We are inseparable and blood couldn't make us any closer. You are ALWAYS there when I need you and you always keep it real with me even though it pisses me the hell off sometimes ctfu. We irk each others nerves but 10 minutes later we back at it like nothing never happened and we always put our differences aside. I love you Pal :)

Boopski I never thought the world could handle another me until I met you. We really soulmates as u would say lol. We so much alike dat it's sicken smh.  Our phone convos be hiliarious and we always got some crazy story to tell. You're one of the most loyal people I know & I know I can always come to you with my problems. You're like da lil sister I never had. B4L til the day dat we die Cheaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!!

Some 2010 Memories I'll Never Forget
1. 8/16 My Birthday. No Words.
2. Atlantic City with my pal. I was bout to eff dat Chinese lady up talkin bout come swim in the ocean and splashed water at me. Lady don't play I just got my hair done.
3. Superman ♥
4. The boul that tried to bag me & just didn't get that NO Means NO.
5. The boul that wants that old thing back. Mmmmm Rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum rum bum bum bum Man Down (in my Rihanna voice) ctfu I play.
6. Christmas with my IKM & all the other memories we shared this year.
7. That fight in D&B ctfu hilarious. Dey play 4real.
8. Aja graduating from hair skool.
9. 12/20/2010 Arielle Amor Readding
10. Dorney Park. Oh mane that night is going down in history pal.

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